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We are coming to 2012

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TWR | 11:03 Sat 31st Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Will you become a better person in the New year? what have you done in 2011 that you truly regret?


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Will I become a better person - No

What have you done in 2011 that you truly regret? - Nothing
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you'll probably be a better person, ummmm; at the very least you'll have another year's experience under your belt, and that usually makes for personal improvement, whether we plan it that way or not
onwards and upwards, there is another year of new things to discover and wisdom to accrue xx
Very positive jno :-)
I've become a better person since joining AB this year, wish I'd known about it sooner.
I hope I'll stay the same, and I can't think of anything dreadful....

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We are coming to 2012

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