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stokemaveric is in new york...

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mrsmaveric | 23:40 Sat 31st Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
and im here all alone so its a happy new year from me and a happy new year from him...all the very best to you all from both of us xxx


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Happy New Year to you - I know Stoke are sliding but that's a bit desperate, heading for the Big Apple....

Anyway, a great one to you both.
Question Author
lol dt...his brother had a heart attack and he is very close to him...luckily he is on the mend but he doesnt get back until the 3rd of jan oh well my sister is coming to my house at 11.30 so we will get the wine out...cheers to you all...
Best wishes and a full recovery to Brother too xxx
shame to hear that......hope all goes well.

And enjoy the wine!
all the best to you all
Question Author
thanks for all your best wishes and my bil is well on the road to recovery thanks to you all stokemaveric will be touched im sure...xxxx
Oh best wishes mrs maveric , mr m and bil, difficult time but a better new year in 2012 and great punting lots of love, you are not alone when you have us lot and oh winging his way back asap
Happy New Year to you Mrs Mav and to Stokie when you speak to him.
Thanks Mrs.M. Same to you both. x
Best wishes for the new year and a safe journey home
Best wishes to you and stoke, hope your bil recovers soon.

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