Hi Ed,.....I have indicated in an earlier thread that, come 2012, I might lay-off making suggestions, of which many are frequently ignored by your goodself. However , I wish to submit a further one for the present year.
How about a poll on whether one thinks that Females are perhaps more intelligent than Males, and are more understanding on day-to-day matters; but are being kept down by the State,Traditions and Religious Organisations.
maybe females have more sense to repeat the same arguments over and over and over and over ................ that covers politics, religion, the battle of good over evil and all the other 'stuff' humans have been arguing/fighting/killing about for most of the history of our planet.
.... and we are much more intelligent than your average male. :-)
reminds me of 'why did the woman cross the road .... more to the point, what was she doing out of the kitchen? and I heard that in the 50's - will believe the question is serious so my reply is 'Bless'.