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Maths values in Quizcall

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lynbrown | 17:24 Thu 10th Nov 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers
O know i shouldnt watch it, but i cant help it! How does the letters of the alphabet plus the days of the week divided by a half come to 40?? That was the answer that won �300. Surely it should be 66??


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lyn It all depends which terms get divided by the half! ... And the wording is intentionally ambiguous.

You are evaluating ( 26 + 7 ) / 0.5 = 66

They wanted 26 + ( 7 / 0.5 ) = 26 + 14 = 40

That is "letters of the alphabet" + ["days "/ 0.5 ]

I hope that this explanation helps!

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many thansk.

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Maths values in Quizcall

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