for expensive items why is it better for a company for the customer to pay in cash? i wanna buy a new camera soon, a canon 5d mark 2 with a 24-105mm lens included - google it youll see the prices!
found an independant store with the cheapest deal but wondered if i went in and said "will you give us a discount if i pay by cash" if anything will / might happen?
whats the difference between cold hard cash... and doing the chip and pin thing? surely cash has to be "proccessed" whereas chip and pin is just straight into the sellers account without hassle...
IF i were to get a discount from paying by cash what sort of percentage would i be looking at?
It's not just credit card companies that charge the retailer. Banks make a charge for businesses depositing cash. It's the reason the supermarkets ask whether you would like 'Cashback' - it means at the end of the day they will have less cash to take to the bank and so the bank charge will be less. It's also another reason that an offer of cash may not result in your getting much of a discount.
If you can tolerate the hassle of haggling and are prepared to walk out if you don't get the deal you want then you can get discounts; cash or otherwise. I've tried it in the past, once or twice, but don't now. Just hate all the fuss.
Just to check. Is the independant you have found really cheaper than the net? I just googled as you suggested and found the body only for £1130 which was £900 cheaper than the most expensive.