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Anyone else woken by the wind?

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abstibus | 07:49 Tue 03rd Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
Gale howling here at 04.30 - it was so nice to be cosy in bed until my lazy neighbour's bin started bowling along.
Atlantic coast - you have to love it or leave it. If you have some time to spare, check out the link for some glorious photos:


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I also have an attic bedroom, I nearly had to climb out of my pit and close the window. I have just come back from walking the dogs and even they were getting blown around and they weigh in excess of 11 stone each, they were trying to shelter from the rain behind me!!!!
great site, stormy dave, I've bookmarked it. Huge orange squares washing over my street.
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Yesterday morning there was no wind and I fell on my btm on the ice when i was walking the dog.
Today I was half-drowned and almost blown away on the beach.
I blame the EU.

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Anyone else woken by the wind?

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