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Help Needed - Mark Rae maybe?

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maggiebee | 16:53 Wed 04th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Sorry to ask yet again but could you explain for a simpleton like me how to put a You Tube clip on to Chatterbank.


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I think you just copy and paste the the URL i.e. http............
In the reply box that says "Enter YouTube Link Here", which is directly above the main reply box. All you need to do is highlight the address of the YouTube link you want, right click then copy, then right click paste onto the box mentioned above.
o display a YouTube video on the AnswerBank, all you have to do is provide us with a description of the clip (i.e. the title), and the applicable URL. Copy and paste these details into the boxes provided, to ensure the video link is correct click validate button, then submit your question/answer – your clip will appear on the site with your question/answer.
You find the YouTube link you want to post, then highlight on the URL (web address) and right click and Copy.

Come back on here, start your question, then put your cursor in the box above the text box which says "Enter youtube link here", right click and Paste.
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Thanks everyone, will try yet again. I WILL MASTER THIS!!!
at the very top of the utube page that you are watching. Click mouse on all the lettering along the bar till it turns blue. Right click on it, then dont right click no more till you've to where you want to go, then do as others have told you to do . Good luck, as I had the same problem till it all clicked in my head, haha

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Help Needed - Mark Rae maybe?

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