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skold17 | 16:55 Sun 06th Nov 2005 | Food & Drink
12 Answers

I had a drink last night someone bought me, i really liked it! It was kinda red, kinda like lager but not? i asked someone, i thought that it was lager and black, and they said that it may be a drink called diesel.

Can anyone help me? If you know what it is can you tell me whats in it?




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well i don't know about this diesel thing, but sounds like it could of been snakebite.
Snakebite is a dash of blackcurrent cordial, half a pint of cider, then half a pint of lager. hmm lovely
Well I've worked in, and managed, loads of bars and I've never included blackcurrant in a snakebite. (It should just be cider and lager). As soon as you add blackcurrant to a snakebite it becomes, surprise, surprise, Diesel! :

I'e also worked for years as a" barperson" and all my punters would kill me if I poured them a snakebite without the compulsory dash of blackcurrent.It is the blood!!

In support of Buenchico, round where I live snakebites definately don't have blackcurrant in them!

Maybe its a regional thing.

Snakebites...always half cider, half lager. Never balckcurrent, not without asking for it. Lovely, but some pubs stopped serving them, apparently cos it makes it look like their beer is cloudy, really probably because they're lethal!
sorry that meant to say Blackcurrent...too many snakebites.
Well i've always known that as a snakebite and black. Is it true snakebites were banned for a while? my mum seems to think no one would serve them when she was my age!
Up north, where I now live, you get a snakebite (lager & cider) or a snakebite and black (currant) My family down south know snakebite and black as Diesel. Since it turns red/pink like industrial use diesel fuel!
In Germany, Diesel is the name given to a vile mixture of beer and coke, all the more bizarre coming from a country which has a beer purity law dating back to 1516.
Maybe it is a regional thing because I always thought a snakebite with blackcurrant was called a 'Black Viper'!!

In my student days we used to drink something called 'red legs'which answers your description, it was composed of 1/2 lager,dash of blackcurrent and a shot of pernod.

may i recommend my personal favourite?

The Turbo Diesel:

250 ml premium lager, 250 ml strong cider, 25 ml blackcurrant cordial and the turbo bit- as much vodka as you dare.

thats how we do it in glasgow.

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