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Just had a power cut........

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micmak | 00:56 Thu 05th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
Only lasted about 3 minutes, but long enough to make everything need resetting, could be worse.


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The problem with a 3 minute power cut is that, when it commences, you don't know whether it's going to last 3 minutes, 3 hours or 3 days!

I've usually just managed to find a torch or candle (after banging various parts of my body against assorted hard objects during my quest) when the lights come back on, leaving me feeling frustrated that I can't put my emergency plan into action!
Buenchico, Lol being there done that... they can't make up their minds can they!

OP, at least only three minutes. some poor souls will be without power for erm..... maybe ten minutes.
Think yourself lucky micmak, some people today have had power cuts for hours!

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Just had a power cut........

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