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What is the truth about The Devil?

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Gavmacp | 18:22 Tue 03rd Jan 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
49 Answers
A much maligned character who may of just been misunderstood. Was he really as bad as people have made out?
I have not met him but I have heard he is quite hot!!


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I always love the way that some churches hate homosexuals. War fine, greed fine but homosexuality a definite NO!
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OK Birdie, how can we test this hypothesis?

Devil worship doesn't look like a good alternative <]:-))
I've been saying for years that the religious are worshipping the wrong bloke.
Venator // likewise, many fun things are classified a sin, and we're told not to enjoy them.

Perhaps all theists have fallen for a whopping great PR job! //

Here you see the central trap of theistic philosophy. Pick something you know is enjoyable and make it a source of guilt. You will get most people because most people like these things.

Once the guilt is established the religion offers an escape clause.

"So long as you offer total obedience to me you are absolved of all responsibility and consequence for all deeds and thoughts for all of the past and all of the future."

Weekly Sunday sessions serve to instill the guilt and chrome-plate the idea of faith as an absolution.
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P1ss poor fiddle player.When he went down to Georgia johnny kicked his ass. And ive since heard johnny was a pretty poor player himself.
So, did Johnny win the golden fiddle, or not?

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What is the truth about The Devil?

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