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Celebrity BB

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NoMercy | 22:29 Sat 07th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Let me just say that I am only watching it because he left the telly on before he went to work.

I can't believe that 'celeb' (don't know his name) couldn't pinpoint places like America, Canada, South Africa or Australia on a world map.

Do people really leave school that badly educated; and why do people worship at the altar of these thicko celebs ??


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NoMercy, he is from The Only Way Is Essex....they are all a bit dim....I do love him though lol :)
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Okay, thanks for filling me in. Lol.

Perhaps I am a bit dim. ;-)
NoM I think the people on BB this time around have their brains in their knickers, Denise Welsh is well known for putting herself about and Ryan Giggs sister in law who likes to keep it in the family. I don't think I'll be watching it. I'm just sorry for the example this is setting for the younger viewers. Monkey see monkey do.
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AYG ... Quite.
I couldn't put America, Canada, South Africa or Australia on pinpoints too.

Mission Impossible.
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Going back to what AYG was saying, does anyone else agree that La Giggs looked prodigiously proud of herself as she aired her dirty linen in public?
Yep, too proud for my liking. And that other one (don't know her name) saying "I met Callum Best at a party and sh****d him, obviously". What a classy girl!
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Yep, classy alright.

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