Heavy TV in bedroom. Want shut, too heavy for me to carry down stairs. So decided to take it apart. I have taken out every screw I can see and tried to prise it apart. No joy. I feel like throwing it out of the window, watching it smash and then picking up the pieces. Unfortunately I can't lift it that high. No one to help me, so any suggestions?
Micmak, am I right in thinking you are in West Yorkshire? Anywhere near Haworth? I am in Haworth for two days this week and I will gladly come round and get rid of it for you.
I'm off out shortly but will look in later to see if you have replied.
Charity shops will not touch electrical items now , they have to pay for an inspection before they can sell them , and can still be liable if there is a fault.
The post about a charity shop collecting a TV must have been ages ago.
Put a long strong rope around it (Tow rope) shuffle it to the top of the stairs then gradually lower it down step by step, open front door & drag it out front, then wait for council to collect.