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sherrardk | 20:42 Wed 11th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Just found out today what DVD stands for and I didn't even realise that I didn't know what it stood for.


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errr i dont sherrardk lol
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Then I shall enlighten you! Digital versatile disc.
I didn't know that in fact I'm useless at most abbreviations.
thank i know i shall ask mrsm if she knows...
I only found out the other day what the 50 in Hawaii 50 meant.

Oh and rather randomly that Neville from Harry Potter has definitely improved with age (not like that, I'm too old for someone that age...though I might make an exception for Zac Efron!).
Ooooooh freaky!!! An ad for it just came on the TV as I posted that haha!
What does the 50 stand for Jenna?
I was watching Pointless the other day and power tools came up as a question. They were talking about a jigsaw and that that is where jigsaw puzzles got their name. I'd just never thought about that before!! I'm so silly! haha! =s
It was the 50th state
miss's the 50th us state
Think that by the end of this thread I will realise how ill informed I am.
It used to be Digital Video Disc....
Hawaii is the fiftieth state of the union
Hawaii is the 50th US state, never even thought to wonder what it meant before :)
Great show Pointless erin-x :)
it was originally digital video disc but they decided early on to broaden its appeal a bit
hurrumph ^^
I think it's my favourite quiz show Marty :) I just felt so stupid because it was so obvious lol!

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