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joggerjayne | 20:22 Thu 12th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
The last series of Hustle starts tomorrow night.

Why do they put these things on a Friday !!??


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Does your remote control give you recipes, wine recommendations and feature articles, zhukov?
got a puter for that.
How fortunate for you.

I prefer to buy a TV supplement. Each to their own.
..but you are then stuck with a dreadful/hatemongering newspaper..good only for reinforcing predjudices..
But it's mildly entertaining...
agree best telly pages but a really good homes and gardens section
MOS for the You magazine and crosswords too don't read the paper well except the sports bits
// Who,in their right mind,wants to buy The Daily Mail,,for a chuffin TV guide? //
I really don't know what you have against the DM. When it's ripped into small squares & threaded onto string it is extremely useful hanging on a nail in the cludgy.

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Love "cludgy" ... LOL
cludgy...not heard that word in years..Does that mean its at end o" yard?
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Here it is ...


Now ... no more lessons in style or social conduct from anyone other than Audrey, if you please.
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Poop ... wrong thread!

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