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stokemaveric | 23:21 Fri 13th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
featherbed lane in the 14.50 at kempton tomorrow.......


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Stoke - what am I supposed to feather in the bed tomorrow at Kempton..?
I couldn't possibly make a suggestion!
have told hubby will remind him in the morning tankies!
Question Author
lol devilspawn and chuckfickens..thats my tip for tomorrow...ignore it at your peril...or you can save yourself a few bob..but thats the gamble lol
My friends horse is running tomorrow too. 2.00 at Warwick - Educated Evans - top weight. Perhaps I'll do a double! Thanks Stoke.
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beaten in a photo-finish....oh well....
You wuz robbed!
That was as close as it gets Stoke. It's my birthday today and what a nice little present that would have been. Even so I did it each way as it was 11/1 this morning. My friends horse just wasn't interested!!! Thanks for the tip - and it was very exciting to watch.
Happy Birthday horseshoes - there's neigh way you are over 21!
Question Author
happy birthday horseshoes im glad you had it e/ sibton i must say it was a good race...
Thanks guys;-)

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