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Life can be so cruel at times...

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NoMercy | 09:37 Sun 15th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
I actually think I have developed an allergy/sensitivity to wine.

Almost immediately after taking a sip of wine now, I get wheezy and have reduced air entry, necessitating several puffs

Perhaps Elderman could say a prayer for me...


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Noooooooo !!!!!!

I hope all of your post was "tongue in cheek" NoM :O)
I have heard of this before you are not the only sufferer.
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Exactly my thoughts, Seagull....
NOM, I believe Adam's Ale is highly recommended by some people.
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Really, Eddie?

I am not sure, but I think it's only white wine that triggers it.
no you will only get worse, he is so full of hot air, can see you needing more puffs not less.
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I actually typed out "several puffs of Salb"

Not quite sure what happened to the last two words.
Read this, true allergy to wine is rare but triggering an asthma reaction is common.
Welcome to my world =(
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I blame my mother for not breast feeding me...
bit harsh !
Did you discover this happened this morning?? You really shouldn't drink wine before 12 ;-)
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Bottle fed babies have far more allergies.

All my siblings were breast fed and none has allergies.
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Ummmm, I realised a while ago so I always grab my inhaler and wineglass at the same time...
Maybe it's like childhood asthma or hayfever, you'll grow out of it... in 10 - 15 years ;oP
any particular white wine trigger it - it may be worth recording "intensity" of reaction.

And try an organic sans sulfites.......
I always sneeze when I have a glass of liqueur, doesn't matter what kind, first drink and then - atchoo. Doesn't stop me drinking it though!!!!!
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DT... Haven't given it too much thought. I am sipping a glass of white Viognier now and no wheeze thus far.

Having said that, I had good glug of liquid piriton earlier after the doggy bath allergic reaction.

Lol, Jamesnan.

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