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Any mods about?

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karenmac60 | 21:43 Sun 15th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Hello, can you tell me if it's possible to have the wording of an OP changed? As Jenna pointed out, I've maybe put too many details in my previous thread and it might make problems for me...


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Only the Ed can do that.
As far as I understand, the mod's can't change the wording of your OP, but you can e-mail the Ed, and as k him to change the wording to whatever you want. Know it's not the answer you wanted karen, but that's how the site's set up. Sorry!
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thanks Chuck - can you join in reporting it for me and just get it removed then?
Endorse what nibble says, karen.....
I can ban you to remove the question if you want. (I'd include an explanation and would expect you to be reinstated tomorrow, although I couldn't promise that as it would be up to the ed to reinstate you)
Duh - feel like a prize idiot!! When I read "Any Mods About" I thought about Mods and Rockers from the 60s and was ready to get stuck in.
I was dusting off my Parka and Pods :-(
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Sorry Nibble, you weren't there when I posted. I'm not that fussed about keeping the post up - so report and remove seems to be the way to go :)
-- answer removed --
Can u not just email ed and have it removed K? X
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I'm on it Tinks :) x
Sorry, that was meant to be on the other thread, thought I was on that one when I posted!
What happened to Salla ?
Sounds like someone on here went to her home address ????
Hi SirAndy - someone wrote a letter to her employers pointing out the time she spent on here when she was at work, very spiteful and nasty.
Not withstanding sending nasty e-mails/letters into her employer, Sir A
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No Andy, they wrote to her employer since she was using AB at work and they enclose copies of some of her more risque entries. It was a pretty damn horrible thing to do but they had managed to track her down due to info she had given on here.
There are a few nasty ones on here they caused trouble for DocFilth and he had to shut his YouTube site down.
Thanks for the update.
I remember that now.
Some creepy nasty people in this world.
Also happened to a friend of mine , via Facebook comments she made about work. She was almost fired over it.
They were private comments only her so called friends could read.
Yay it's gone :)
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Yay! Thanks to whoever was responsible :) xxx

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Any mods about?

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