I am using Outlook Express for my e-mails which I am receiving ok. Whenever I get one from Talktalk advising me of my new bill I am asked to "Click here" to get access to my account. All I get is a partial black screen asking for my details and that is as far as I can get. No other e-mail has given me this trouble. I spent a long time on the phone to Talktalk yesterday and after following their instructions on how to rectify this problem, they suggested that something within the laptop is preventing access. They suggested calling in an engineer but have any members any idea what is causing this and how to go about correcting it?
Try right-clicking on the link and selecting 'Copy'. (If the option doesn't appear straight away, repeat after dragging the cursor across the link to highlight it). Open your web browser. Right-click in the address bar and select 'Paste'. Hit 'Enter'.