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Hislop on Leveson

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AB Editor | 11:40 Tue 17th Jan 2012 | News
11 Answers

Fairly entertaining. A good discussion of press ethics.


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>>press ethics

Oxymoron ?
Thanks for that.
I failed to understand the relevance of some of the lines of questioning:
What were Hislop's views on 'free journalism' or online newspapers?
Did Hislop ever meet politicians on a social basis?
Small wonder that these inquiries drag on and on.
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Idiot Gravy? Oxo-Moron.

Vicasso. I agree. Not sure about the questioner. Or indeed his motive. I felt he didn't "get it" at all.

Hislop was on form though. He spoke very well in what was an oddly hostile environment (I thought it would be much more friendlier to be honest).
Yes, confident and forthright. I put it down to his experiences in various libel courts :-)
I love Hislop, but I'd hate to get on the wrong side of him.......
Hislop is right of course. There are plenty of laws and existing legislation to tackle what has and did occur, but for some inexplicable reason those responsible failed to exercise them and enforce the law.
But when you've got a toothless lion like the IPCC, combined with politicians in the pockets of media moguls and bent coppers you're not going to get the law of the land enforced as it ought to be.
An interesting discussion, Hislop running rings round our elected glorious leaders, I didn't think they were very well briefed as to their questions/insinuations. All too easy for Hislop to actually show how inept their facile questions were, and show what a waste of money & time thtis all is.
For those who missed what he had to say:
Have I got news for you.

/// As editor of Private Eye Ian Hislop is the most sued man in English legal history, ///
-- answer removed --
Ian for prime minister!

Sorry... got carried away.

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