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bookworm, high scores.??

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ibizaboy | 16:07 Sun 15th Jan 2012 | Gaming
6 Answers
im enjoying playing bookworm right now and after 8 days have clocked up a score of 4 million, so im wondering if anyone knows of any high scores recorded anywhere for this game. not online just the ds version. thanks.


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I'm not familiar with the game but it seems a similar question was asked before in the link below
I do enjoy playing it but nowhere near your dizzy heights!
Question Author
have looked the link suggested but it includes online gaming. made 5 million last night, still going.!!
is there any way of pausing it if playing online and going back to it as after about an hour my head is killing me...
Question Author
you can pause the ds version and keep going back, not sure about online. im into day 9 and almost 10 hours of play time now with 6 mill it.!!
my maximum continuous play wads 3 and a half hours can't remember my score but stopped from exhaustion rather than being beaten its too addictive I leave well alone now

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