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Why isn't my wikipedia down?

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netibiza | 09:53 Wed 18th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I can still get it in all it's glory! I want a blackout like everyone else!


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I believe it was only the English site down ? Is that the one you use ?

Or maybe you have a large cache of wiki pages you are accessing.
I can't get it.
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a large cache of wiki pages..." err, me? No idea what one I get sometimes it's in Engla¡ish and sometimes in Spanish.
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Just tried it again and it went black, oh thank heavens, hate being picked on!
Apparently if you have Java disabled on your machine then you should still be able to access Wiki
I have no Wikipedia, just a message from the 'strikers' ?

I can't be ar$ed to read it' life 's too short!

TBH it'd be a bigger impingement on my day if the AB shut down for a few hours! Love how wikipedia is arrogant enough to think it'll make a difference, like its the only source of info out there!

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Why isn't my wikipedia down?

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