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EvianBaby | 18:03 Fri 20th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Is there a more gross advert than the Sanex one? When they zoom out of all those bodies it looks like the woman has holey skin. It makes me feel sick!


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I think it's horrible!
i dont really watch telly so not seen it i dont think
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I wish I'd never seen it.
Not the best, but it doesn't make me want to rush to change the channel like the Wonga one does.
There is an advert for cough mixture (I think) where an evil looking troll jumps out and lands on a bloke's chest. I think it should be banned!! It frightens me to death. It's like having night terrors.
The Sanex ad is really nasty - I'm not squeamish in any way, but find it intensely distasteful.

Don't they show their ads to ordinary people before screening them?
Agree LL, another horrible one! Wouldn't make me want to buy the product.
It makes me feel sick too. I thought I was the only one.
And the little boy who wants to go to his friends to POO, although not frightening or sick making, is another really horrible ad. Don't know how people think they will make people buy the product.
which one is it? pls provide a link! x
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I'm glad I'm not the only one.

I would provide a link but that means I'd have to look at it again and I may honestly throw up.
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That one is just annoying lottie. I always think if he's that keen on pooing at Paul's the little bugger should just move in with him ;)
I don't think I've seen it. I'm the same with the poo at Paul's and kandoo kid and the little girl grilling her dad about eating all the Haribo.

I don't like the gravy one (I think) with the liquid cow dancing about, not sure why not, just makes me cringe.
Oh yes I agree too, its makes me itch to watch it - not sure why ! But it is really horrid, makes me think of a maggot infested carcass ! Vile.
Agree Jenna, the gravy one with the dancing cow is nauseating.

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