I was surprised to see Natalie and Kirk go last Friday, but do feel that the entertaining housemates have been left in the house.
I don't like the way Denise has been behaving towards Michael, she is a woman scorned and is venting her fury at him. She twists everything to be his fault! Also I cannot believe that she got her baps out in the hot tub, I am soon to be approaching her age and even if drunk I would still have the sense not to flash the sagging flesh!
Also I do not like the twins, so arrogant. But I would prefer to see the twins and Denise still in to create tension in the house, how boring would it be if everyone liked each other and all got on brilliantly, there would be nothing to watch apart from the BB tasks which can be funny.
I have a theory re the surprise vote on Friday. I reckon if the likes of Natalie had been up against the twins on her own she would have won hands down, but as everyone except Gareth was up on Friday, there was a lot more choice of who to save and as everyone concentrated on saving their favourite. This spread the votes a lot thinner between everyone up for eviction and gave the twins a much higher percentage of being saved, than if the choice was just between them and say Natalie.