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LADYLUX05 | 18:24 Sat 12th Nov 2005 | Food & Drink
3 Answers
anyone got a recipe for tequila sunrise


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oops - heading should of course be tequila!
This is from the Cocktail Handbook:

ice cubes (if desired)
2 meaures tequila
1/2 measure grenadine
4 measures orange juice
1 orange slice
1 maraschino cherry

Pour the orange juice and tequila into a highball glass almost filled with ice cubes. Stir well and let it come to a rest.

Drop the grenadine into the centre of the drink and allow it to settle to the bottom. Garnish with the orange slice and cherry.

Use 2 measures pineapple and 2 meaures orange juice for a Florida sunrise.
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anyone know how to get tequila sunrise stains out of a carpet???

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