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finding sqatters in your house.

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pusskin | 20:00 Fri 20th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
75 Answers
if you went away on holiday and came home to find squatters have made it their home...What would your reaction be? Call cops, or try and turf them out yourself, doing whatever possible to get rid of them?


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I am not against squatting at all,in certain events.I do not trust,or am invested in Big Business.So they are Fair Game.

What about you MarkRae?
For heavens sake what ?
BTW...the day the Students trashed ToryHQ...that was the cops looking the other way...Timing,perfect...we knew
Section 7 of the Criminal Law Act 1977, makes it a CRIMINAL offence, (subject to certain defences set out in the Act), for a person who is on residential premises as a trespasser to fail to leave having been required to so by or on behalf of a displaced residential occupier or a protected intending occupier.
^^ LOL! Yep, it certainly does! And just watch the reaction on the face of any squatter when you inform him of that!

Alternatively, being faced with the prospect of a broken arm like his squatter mate has just had tends to focus his mind rather more sharply...
True enough Mark, but prob best let a few coppers give the message after they have been nicked (they are also well paid).
exdc thanks, at last someone has acknowledged that in the original siuation asked about , someone returning from holiday to find squatters, there has been a criminal act commited and it is a police matter. In this case there is no need to get a court order the police will just get them out .
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very interesting to know what others would do in this situation of losing your home to horrible sqquatters! Would be a bit apprehensive locking up and going away for a month or so now in case that should happen to our house. Thanks for all your reples, much appreciated folks xx pusskins
Yes Eddie, the situation described is a cime and therefore in the remit of the police.

"Do ‘squatters’ rights’ really exist" (from directgov site)

The popular belief that ‘squatters’ rights’ exist comes from a law which makes it illegal to threaten or use violence to enter a property where someone is present and opposes the entry. The law was introduced to stop landlords from using violence to evict their tenants, but has also been used by squatters.

This law doesn’t apply to a displaced residential occupier or a protected intending occupier. This means that if you break down the door of your own home where you are living, you wouldn’t be committing a crime. However, you would need to be able to prove you are a displaced residential occupier or protected intending occupier".
Furthermore, if the squatters switched on the house lights (in the situation described in the opening post) then they would also commit the theft offence of Abstract Electricity.
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Oh, still makes me shudder just thinking about it !
Thankfully, it is still pretty rare pusskin
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Thank god it is exdc x
i would call some mates
As I posted right at the start -

"Contact the nearest Hell's Angels, and ask them to call to invite all the squatters out for a drink."

Many squatters are loudmouthed experts, and use the police at the slightest suspicion of violence by the homeowner, who will usually back off.

What you need is another bunch of professionals who will face them down, and aren't afraid of the slow and ineffective police.

When I said invite them out for a drink, I've seen this approach work...

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