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The law is not always an ass

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hc4361 | 17:27 Fri 20th Jan 2012 | News
8 Answers
I'm very pleased these three men have been found guilty. I hope the punishment is the maximum possible.


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Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch!
richly deserved
Well, some people are outraged by those who indulge in unnatural sexual acts. Nobody has the monopoly on being "appalled", and not everyone finds it acceptable by those who indulge in such behaviour.

Doesn't bother me, my "bits" are strictly heterosexual, and if I'd had a leaflet it would have gone straight in the bin. Despite my disapproval, a piece of paper would not make me go "queer bashing", something I'm sure would apply to 99.9% of normal people.
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Pity that they cant be deported after they have done the time in prison, like the rest of the Muslim people who break the law in the UK?

The problem is, they have the stupid Human Rights Law to protect them, which I thought Cameron was going to change in his election speech?
What amazed me they appeared to leave the court after their conviction, no mention of bail.

Does this give them the opportunity to somehow 'disappear' perhaps on the next plane to Pakistan?

We can only dream.
Very strange this, a thread regarding two subjects that normally attract record numbers of responses, Muslims and Gays, and yet only six responses so far.

Could it be a matter of split loyalties here?
I've just had to spool down through the latest threads to find that.

AOG - there is nothing in the title of this question, not the question itself to alert me to the content. I don't read through every question. I find the 'split loyalities' remark disappointing. It suggests something appalling - that I would side with people who wish death on gays.

I don't know how anyone could say something like that.

Very disappointing.

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The law is not always an ass

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