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sherrardk | 00:21 Fri 27th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
See I've lost my avatar AGAIN! And it's not even got any colour on it!


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You are the chosen one Sherr!

(looks like a boy to me :-)
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There must be loads of regular posters and I had this picture a little while ago - and it's a crap one!
Is it Tin Tin?
Here's where your avatar is currently sourced from. From the URL it seems that someone isn't too fond of Bank of America!
I had this one earlier and it was bright red, Boo liked it!
If you click on your profile sher do you see it?
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Hope its not tintin - really don't like tintin (the kids love it though).
Back at midnight.
All of the best people have bright red avatars ;-)
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Onmy profile it's my old lady in the shoe". I was going to change it tonight to my fav picture of thing 2.
This avatar issue does my head in. It's only a picture...we coped before we had them. Now we have post after post about them....even though Ed has explained things 3 zillion times.
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Oi Buenchico 'only the best people .....' cheers! (not at all insulted).
Oh sher, mine went to a camera, but is back now!........strange!........
Don't be so negative welsh.............
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Ummmm - it's the randomness of it that does my head in (couldn't give a ahit about the actual picture). What I really want to know is how 'it' chooses who to zap.
sherrardk you are looking a bit pale almost ghostly.
Sticks pins in.
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Hi Missprim, been feeling a bit off colour all day actually.
OK, Sherrardk, lets make that read that the best people have bright red avatars OR nursery rhyme avatars OR pictures of happy children OR . . . (what are you planning for the future?)

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