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Bit of an achievement ...

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sherrardk | 20:47 Sat 28th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
... Just wrapped my last three Christmas presents (no, I'm not some sort of nutter - these are overdue presents from Christmas 2011!).


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here I was thinking someone was well ahead for this year! If it's any help, my daughter thought Santa came more than once as I bought presents all through the year and forgot where I put them, and she had them after Christmas
ok, two questions..

a) what has taken you so long?

b) may the moment be gone now?
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Hi Cazzz - the presents are for my dad, my step-gran and one of my nieces who all live in my old hometown. When I saw my dad last (December) I hadn't done any shopping. Himself will be seeing him tomorrow so he is taking the presents (they may be a bit late, but I couldn't not give them). They won't mind!
aww thats nice :)
A good excuse for a party!

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Bit of an achievement ...

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