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Can I find out what she died from or how?

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candylover | 22:53 Sat 21st Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
There was this girl in my school who died in 1978 ( I didn't know her). Her name is Jennifer Ellen Lee. I was wondering if I could find newspaper articles or death articles that state what she died from or how she died.


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You could look back in the archives of your local newspapers for that year.
Or try Friends Reunited and see if any of her school friends know.
Do you know where she lived, you could go on Ancestry site and see if her death date is recorded on there, if so you could send for the death certificate which will state the cause of death.
I subscribe to Ancestry so I checked a Jennifer Ellen Lee death in 1978 but none recoded in the whole country. Went on the free site Free BMD and none there either, are you sure you have the right year?

Is there some reason why you want this information so far back in 1978 when you didn't know her?
I also think its a bit strange, is it just curiosity or an ulterior motive?
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maybe I got the year wrong. This is for my own curiosity because the science lab is named after her.
another ab troll on here i think ,
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I am not a troll. You thought wrong
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sorry guys it was 1995
Surely you could ask in your school?
The Main library where you live has probably got records on microfiche which you can look at. In this city you have to ring and book a viewer for whenever you have the time and then get the microfiche for the particular year you want. I have traced when people have died and what they have died of with this method. This sicyt is Bristol but I feel sure other large cities have the same facility.
Sorry, that funny word is supposed to be city. Slip of the fingers.
that's nearly 20 years difference. How come you were suddenly able to find the correct date?
I get the impression that Candylover is American Ann. That's why there's nothing in the UK registry. There must be records held in the States in a similar medium as Starbuckone suggests.
Just ask about her and the lab in school/college.
Also - The Mormon church keep extensive records, but don't know about America
Try your local Public Records Office at the local library. I can understand why you want to know more about her. When I was 13 there was a girl in my school year who died of kidney cancer. She was born in the next bed to me in the local nursing home and her name was mistakenly put on my birth certificate ( her name was blanked out by xxx but those details are still there to this day).
The lds share their records for free

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Can I find out what she died from or how?

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