std ? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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std ?

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Casey | 16:41 Sun 12th Mar 2006 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
How likely is it for a male aged 43 to have an STD? and.. What type of STD is common in a male aged 43? Ok, I have recently been having unprotected sex with this male and I have experienced some spotting, stomach pains and discharge only for about a week, it seems to have disappeared now. I phoned the doctor and he said there is nothing for me to worry about. I had endometriosis last year and had an operation for it, now I take the pill continuously for 3 months before having a break, so he said it may be a build up from my last period which was about 4 or 5 weeks ago or a hormonal inbalance. But I am a bit paranoid and think I should have some tests done.
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His age is absolutely irrelevant. How old are you? Surely you know that you can catch an STD from ANYONE if you are having unprotected sex? Sorry to sound harsh, I'm just surprised that you think just because someone is older that they are less likely have an STD. Did you actually tell your doctor that you had unprotected sex? I doubt it if he has said you have nothing to worry about. Have you asked your 'friend' if he is sleeping with anyone else? If he is having unprotected sex with you then it is likely he is/has had it with someone else - even if it was a long time ago. The STD Chlamydia comes to mind. I'd get checked ASAP if I was you.
Go to your local GUM clinic. If you ring NHS direct they can direct you to the nearest one. Anyone of any age/sex/race can have an std, and so you shouldnt take any chances!

As rachela500 has asked, did you tell your doctor you were having unprotected sex?

I would suggest a check up and a quick read of the attached site. STD's are rife in this country and many people have no idea they are infected, regardless of their age.


serves ya right love. Use protection in future, you never know what anyone might have. Its also people like you that get pregnant accidentally. silly, very silly.
Anytime you have intercourse with someone there is a chance of catching something there are so many STDs out there and so many people have them. It's almost 1 in 4 by the time someone is in their 40's. Do you have any of the symptoms of these STDs? http://yourstdhelp.com

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