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slinky.kate | 10:48 Sun 29th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
is it a lazy day,visiting,family day,working;i am going to meet my friend at 12 o clock and we're going to the bingo,have dinner,looking forward to it.


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Bit lazy - lie in today, usually up before 6! A few routine things to do, but it's cold and damp out there - think I'll stay in.
goatbreeders meeting for me
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good for you boxtops,then again ,nothing ever goes to plan.
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are you joking me beejay1124
no kidding -slinky
got a goat pic, beejay? I like goats!
I'm going to Mum and Dad's for Sunday lunch. My bro, his wife and my gorgeous wee nephew will be there, so looking forward to seeing them all :)
I was attacked by a goat on Menorca. It was after my salami sandwich and I had to punch it to get it away. It had both front hooves on my shoulders and was trying to get the sandwich which I was holding above my head!
LOL zacs - no, that was sqad....
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beejay-what is this meeting for?are you a farmer/breeder
haha Zacs :-)
an excuse for a drinking session slinky:-)
A seagull stole my icecream once - it's only when they get that close that you realise how HUGE they area.
Sunday, a day to visit the allotment to do a couple of hours work - sit in the sun over there, if it is out, take a picnic, pick the fruit and vegetables, and come home and then take it easy, read a book, do some cross stitch, or visit friends and family
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right beejay ?
Well I have to catch up on all the jobs I didn't do yesterday after my utterly self indulgent pampering day where I did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING other than please myself.

So its washing, supermarket, baking etc. Although I will take the boys out for lunch (so I don't have to cook lunch!)
Washing up ahoy - the only downside to an excellent thrash last night - but a double strength americano and a cinnamon bagel needed first I think.

Monkey welding weather here - think the dogs may get a briefer outing than usual & then it's an afternoon in front of the log-burner ... zzzzzz
Jamesnan, allottment in this weather??!! and where is the sun??!!
I am staying well wrapped up indoors, in the warmth.
Allotments need something doing all year long, I consider it a form of exercise. At the moment we are laying paving as new paths round the greenhouse!

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