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Jolliest Bar Music

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joggerjayne | 17:44 Tue 31st Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
This is SOOOO jolly ... Mama Do The Hump ...

I love the ... err ... "range" of comments on the YouTube page ...

From "Love this song"

and "God, that's amazing"

and "Woow, amazing"

through to, err ...

"They are f'ing terrible"

Well, I love it.

Is this the jolliest recent song that can come on in a bar?



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Is my grammar bad?
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copy that! ;0)
No - copy THAT!!
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You think they nicked the tune, Zhu ?
Question Author
Hmm ... I suppose it's a little bit similar.


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Jolliest Bar Music

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