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Good god, does this really happen?

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MissCommando | 21:57 Sat 28th Jan 2012 | Relationships & Dating
26 Answers
I've heard about this for the 1st time tonight. I honestly can't believe people do this sort of thing. Is this website/sex act for real or just a joke?

Don't look if you are easily offended/repulsed.



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is there a vegetarian option??
OMG and I thought ratemypoo site was weird !!
NOOOOOOOO i don't do ! it I stumbled across this site after a shift at work( I work in a nursing home) and me and my workmate were taking the sluice bags out at the end of the shift and just jokingly said rate my sluice bag and then turned to each other and said NOOOOOOOOO there couldn't be a site so being p.c addicts at the time googled no site for sluice bags but the r.m.p is def there yuk !
People actually send pics in !! ergh I know they say doesn't do for us to all be the same and variety is the spice of life but does make you wonder about folk !
There's only one way to find out Missy.
It must be perversion night this evening what with the MILF thread as well....
O my giddy Aunt - I gladly must have led a very sheltered life. UUURGGH !
Each to their own...consenting adults and all that. People do far more disgusting things...

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Good god, does this really happen?

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