More a curiosity than anything else, but as a builder of PC's I tend to give the machines I build a name and wondered if anybody else did the same. Here's some examples of mine...
Oblivion - Built with that elder scrolls game in mind.
Resonance - Loads of fans in this one makes it noisy (old build).
Prodigal son - Nothing but problems with this one.
Morgoth - Antec darkfleet case looks evil being all black with red light.
Aperture science - Using the NXZT - Phantom looks like something out of portal.
MY computers get called exciting things like SCVMM04 and DMZ-CAS03, I've tried calling them things like Mavis and Gertrude but a name that reflects their role tends to make admin easier.
I have built or bought 4 or 5 PCs and laptops in the last 3 or 4 years that are all used round the house and to help identify them I use a network name that is a combination of the version of Windows plus the date I first bought it.
So I use "Vi" for Vista and "W7" for Windows 7
So one of my Vista PCs is called ViFeb08 (bought February 2008)
One of my Windows 7 PCs is W7May11 (bought May 2011)