Hey, Phil x
I don't really use public transport.
I live right in the town, so I can walk or run most places. It's best not to stray too far from my part of town, or you end up in bandit country (or, in the other direction ... Hove! ... which is probably worse!).
I sometimes MTB or, very occasionally, take the car.
But I think this complaint is utterly, utterly, utterly ludicrous.
It makes women look petty and ridiculous. With all the problems we have in society, some idiotic old bat worries about a bus driver using a friendly term of endearment? I'm really annoyed. People like that take the pleasure out of living. The stupid woman needs a hard slap.
Crikey, with shopkeepers I'm always saying things like "Morning sexy pants, how are you?". This pea brained woman would have me banned from the shops.
I bet she's a Daily Mail reader.
By the way, there isn't a bus in the picture, but all our local buses have names. They are named after famous people with local connections, and they have their names written on the front. They are quite jolly.