I find now that when I'm drinking my usual tipple, which is a couple of glasses of wine most nights & a few vodka & cokes at the weekend, I'm getting this pounding in my head. There's no pain, it almost feels like a pulse pounding, or sometimes its like a shudder. Sometimes it lasts a long time, other times it can just be now and then, sometimes it's just my head (mainly the back of it) other times it'll stretch down the back of my neck. I also sometimes feel it in the mornings after a drink, even when I haven't been drunk the night before (I rarely suffer a hangover). It's only started this past couple of weeks - I'm female, 41, couple of stone overweight. I gave up fluoxetine over a month ago, and I've been fine without it. I don't feel poorly and was tested a few months ago for menapausal/diabetic/thyroid stuff - all came back good.
This change of events doesn't herald the arrival of anything sinister and is a well recognized entity. As one get older, one's reaction to alcohol consumption changes and this may be happening to you.
Another possibility is the onset of alcohol related cluster headaches, although i fancy the first explanation.