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well........... i didnt say the other replies werent 'up to standard' who am i to judge? But you are right i did really want good suggestions to help me in my quest to persuade them to just let me change the colour (i honestly and truly didnt think there would be THAT much of an issue at the shop) Anyway anyway of course i thought Tonys answer was the best cos it was empathising with me,,,,,,surely we all like it when people are on our side - human nature i guess - but i DID say from the very start that i KNEW i was in the wrong what i objected to was being told it was my own fault and what makes me so different etc etc..... well the upshot of it is that i rang head office and nice as they were they said NO....... not as rude as the scuffy oik in the trafford centre shop i grant you - but NO nevertheless.........ah well not to worry it past on a sunday afternoon - cheers and thanks anyway : )