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Lights out in your town?

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TheOtherHalf | 08:33 Fri 03rd Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Just been listening on the news about a soldier on leave in Clevedon, Somerset who was killed whilst walking home early hours due to street lighting being switched off from midnight to 5 am I think it was. very ttragic. When we are out walking late at night and its not very good lighting, we always take torch and wear reflective vest. Are these cutbacks happening in your town an how have they affected you


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They started turning the street lights off in Northampton in May 2011.
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Ankou, not quite as bad as no lighting, surely. I cycle to work under street lighting everyday and am not affected by oncoming traffic.

I agree that I would welcome it , especially shop lights and all neon lights being switched off. When you see the lighting in some large towns at night, its ridiculous.
you can get dazzled by headlights on well lit dual cariageways.
It is a ridiculous practice and yet another indication of how our present authorities are not a patch on the ones we had when we were kids. Now-a-days I get back home, have to stop in an unlit street, with nowhere near to park as there are already parked cars everywhere, get out to open the gates to my drive and hope no one speeds around the corner and hits my car, then I have to reverse back in the dark avoiding all the parked cars and hope not to hit anything. Just supports my observation that society is run by a right bunch who either can not envisage the havoc and inconvenience they cause or who do not care, presumably because they manage not to be affected by it. A plague on them all.
you could install a security light on your drive. that way it would turn on when you open the gates and then turn off after 10 minutes of inactivity. job done.

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