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daily mail cash numbers.!!

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ibizaboy | 20:16 Wed 25th Jan 2012 | Film, Media & TV
17 Answers
having bought the mail on sat and sun, obtained my "cash and premium bond numbers card" i then forgot its a daily thing.! does anyone have mon/tues and today (weds) numbers please. i,ll remember to buy the paper tomorrow. thanks.


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james I don't think there is a 72, on saying that I think I missed Sunday as well. Maybe someone else can help there.

All the numbers I have ticked off so far are, not in any particular order :

31, 38, 01, 22, 25, 19, 39, 18, 42. 05, 07, 13, 44
21:46 Wed 25th Jan 2012
SUN: 23 - 72 ???????

MON: 01 - 38

TUES: 18 - 05

WED: 22 - 19
james I don't think there is a 72, on saying that I think I missed Sunday as well. Maybe someone else can help there.

All the numbers I have ticked off so far are, not in any particular order :

31, 38, 01, 22, 25, 19, 39, 18, 42. 05, 07, 13, 44
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thanks, not won anything yet but at least im updated. !!
I did the same ibizaboy, forgot about Mondays paper, I usually get the Express, but I like the Mail for the Weekend crosswords. James 23 hasn't come out yet.

I have 13 22 39 44 18 25 31 01 05 07 19 42 38
Just went out to the bin and rescued the Mail on Sunday. The numbers were 25 and 42 x
Wed nos: 19 - 22

Numbers I have so far are :
01 07 13 19 22 25 31 38 39 42 44
I suspect I will win the same amount on this game as I have on the DM's "Instant Cash" card, i.e. sweet FA.
Anyone got Thu/Fri numbers.
I usually only buy Sat/Sun for the rewards (gift card), so would be grateful.
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jason49mac. i too only buy the mail on sat/sun and despite attempting to collect the weekly numbers i still forgot thurs and fri sadly, so i,ll have to give up gracefully i think.!
saturday numbers are:

02 40

Lets all try and help each other
2 and 40 for sat mail numbers
need thurs and frid still plesae
Thurs nos.27 and 14, Fri. 10 and 28. Good luck.

See under "are they a hoax"
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sunday...36. 11. ummm interesting im one number away from £50 with 6 days to go............
Anyone got Mon 30th, Tue 31st
Thursdays no: 21

Good luck
Friday (last day) 16

Damn I needed 20 & 24 for 2 lines lol

Why are there so many moanies complaining we should buy the papers??
Could just pop into libtrary (if there is one nearby) and read the numbers lol
Anyway arent WE (the people) out here to help each other!!

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daily mail cash numbers.!!

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