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Rusticmaid | 21:16 Fri 03rd Feb 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
Stuck on the last one

SESAM E (6,5)

I think the second word may be Movie but I have no idea of the first word - can anyone help?


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street part e
23:21 Fri 03rd Feb 2012
Oh, I thought it would be Open Sesame but that's not 6,5
What makes you think the second word is movie? Is there a theme or are some letters known?
Question Author
I remember doing a dingbat quiz sometime a go when the second word was Movie. I assume it is because of the space, moving the "e" away from the rest of the word ie move e.
Street Movie?
Thanks. Movie seems likely then for the second word
Question Author
That fits the clue nicely but showing my ignorance, what is a Street Movie?
I haven't heard of a 'street movie' but it sounds plausible
Could derive from movies such as Wall Street, Nightmare On Elm Street, etc, hence "Street Movies"
Question Author
Sounds feasible and does fit the clue. Thank you all for your help!
street part e
That is much better.
Question Author
Thank you i feel much happier with that one!

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