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Amber-Sum | 22:40 Sat 04th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I had a phone this morning supposedly from Microsoft from an asian man who spoke very broken English. He asked me to do type certain things on to my computer, I declined.He was very insistant and was not pleased when I said, rather than deal with him I would contact Microsoft direct.
The phone number was witheld. I rang the police who told me it was a scam and to inform as many peole as possible to warn them.
He was very plausible to begin with until I questioned him. I am ex directory yet he had my number.


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I regularly get these calls, and nomally cut them off without speaking.

However someone here had a good suggestion that I plan to start doing - hold the phone up to the smoke detector and press 'test'
this has been going around for sometime now best ignored.
This is not uncommon and has been mentioned on here a few times but you can't mention this often enough in my opinion has I know people who have fallen for this recently.
telling them you haven't got a computer is often a good deterrent
Indeed - I know someone who sadly believed these scammers and did as they requested on her computer (she was an elderly lady on her own). Long story but it enabled the scammers to introduce something onto her computer that told them of all her passwords etc. You can imagine the rest of the story.................
This happened to me I said you give me your phone number and I will phone you back, needless to say the line went dead.
Amber, just a quick tip for you & it works every time? Listen to the voice, put the phone down, it works.
Its difficult to believe that people do actually fall for this but they obviously still do!

Just tell them to hold the line while you go and find your laptop, it could take a while!

Ive had about 3 of these in the last few days.

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