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bony lump on lower left mandible

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mandimoo | 12:57 Sun 05th Feb 2012 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
about a week ago i noticed this painful lump. it seems to be attached to the bone under my chin. It does not move, and about 1cm diameter. ive been to the gp who sent me for an x-ray. the x-ray technician said to me "i dont understand why you are here as this wont show up on an x-ray", but I insisted on the x-ray anyway. I have to wait up to 10 days for the result but Im very worried. not least of all because I am about to start ivf in about a week. Im 40 years old, no children and due to physical problems I cannot conceive without assistance. Im so worried I may have just found a cancer and either wont be able to have the IVF, or the drugs I take may make it worse before they realise what it is. I cant believe the timing of this. Can anyone reassure me?


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My youngest daughter has had something similar since she was little, the doctor said it is a blocked saliva gland, it gets painful occasionally but otherwise causes no bother at all.
\\\\\\Can anyone reassure me?\\\\ is almost certainly nothing to do with cancer.

One must have more details if one wants a diagnosis.
Could it be a ganglion? These are annoying more than anything, but ar harmless
Worrying about anything won't help with the IVF - so try to relax... sounds like a fatty lump or a cyst - these can occasionally be painful and go away eventually. Doesn't sound like cancer or anything sinister. Hope the IVF is successful for you.
My husband had had a painful lump come up on the inside of his knee, and after seeking medical help yesterday was told that it is an infected cyst. Maybe you have something like that

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bony lump on lower left mandible

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