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Shoveling the snow away.

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TWR | 18:10 Mon 06th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I was shoveling the snow away from our neighbours paths this morning, there was a hell of a lot, came home tonight near enough all melted, has it been the same your way?


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no its still here, solid and slippy ....
'fraid not - I still have to clear my own snow from the paths and pavement

(mind you - didn't have any snow - yet)
its all melted around here
It's patchy - loads on the other side of the road, not much on ours.
Haven't seen a single flake......:o(
Melting nicely here in Leicestershire but still a lot on pavements - slushy at the moment but due to freeze later then will be treacherous!
There is a huge moon rising over Dover Castle at the moment - bodes a very chilly night, and a slippy morning.
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In our Castle town it's was bad over Sat. now, very near gone.
No or frost here in the Costa Del Black Country...Heard there were 10 "severe weather warnings" and the headlines in some papers were saying we were in for a month of Arctic conditions plus certain death!
Must have hit the Home Counties then.
Still a fair bit laying at the moment, just come in, roads OK at present
(just outside Dover)
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Have you applied for the job of collecting the £10 from the foreign HGVs Boxy? the money the Government are thinking of charging the HGVs for using our roads?
Not yet TWR - Baldric and I could set up a tollgate system (if Baldric's up for it!)
Bit of jobsharing there I think boxy, no probs
We had about 2" but its all melted now. I nearly slipped this morning on some ice whilst carrying Little Tiggs though, but that was around 7.30 and the thaw hadn't quite got underway yet.
Has been a nice clear sunny day in Edinburgh...cold but sunny !
Haven't had any snow.

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Shoveling the snow away.

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