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Spoilt my morning!

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Groupie | 13:07 Tue 07th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Driving to work this morning in a good mood,singing along to the radio and it happened again grrr.I hate it when I'm singing along to a song and the artist gets the words wrong.


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:+) :+) :+) :+) :+)
13:08 Tue 07th Feb 2012
:+) :+) :+) :+) :+)
That happens to me all the time.
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I can never understand why Louis Armstrong says 'the dog's say goodnight' in What a Wondeful World.
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Oops. No apostrophe in Dogs.
PMSL@ dave's video :)

Mondegreens (misheard lyrics) can be hysterical. My son keeps listening to a song by some metal band that sounds like it has the words "pair of sheep" in the chorus, it makes me giggle every time he plays it.
I'm nicking the vid for Facebook :P
Another gem for daffy :=)
I could never work out why I heard the last line of Queen's 'One Vision' as 'Fried Chicken'

It turns out that is actually what they sing - because they were about to eat some after the session.
I think REM's 'The sidewinder sleeps tonight' confused loads of people...
Crredence Clearwater Revival: There's the bathroom on the right.
Thanks Dave, I needed a good laugh today :)

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Spoilt my morning!

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