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How to get rid of the smell of smoke?

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silliemillie | 20:11 Fri 10th Feb 2012 | Interiors
13 Answers
I have been lucky enough to be given a lovely Steiff bear which is gorgeous!

The only trouble is, the previous owner (a lovely lady) but a very heavy smoker.

I love the Bear & am very grateful but as a non smoker I keep getting whifs of smoke from it.

Obviously being a Steiff its not suitable for the washing machine, is there any way I can get rid of the smell?

Many thanks,



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I use Febreze on smelly smokey things. It may take more than one spraying, but usually works v. well.
I presume that you know, Millie, never, never remove the tag in its ear. If it is taken out 90% of its value is immediately wiped out.
I confess, I had a bit of a giggle when I looked at their website


I would suggest handing on the line for a couple of days (when we get a couple of dry days)
Oust and other brand fresheners do an anti nicotine version. If it's any consolation it will fade eventually.
Wipe with white vinegar
put it in a bag with no air holes and add cat litter. Shake well at intervals and leave overnight. Next day take out of bag and shake really well. You should notice a considerable difference but you may need to repeat the procedure.
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Thanks so much for all your really speedy replies, I will certainly give them a go. Forgot to say though that its a white bear and is looking a bit yellow, dont suppose there is anything I can do about that? Or is there?

Thought about surface washing it but like DT says, you have to be so careful with them or you wipe out their value in an instance. (any other 'soft toys' just go straight in the washer when they look a bit grubby!!)
I'm thinking of having this one as my avatar.

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Have you contacted Steiff for advice?

In the UK: [email protected]
Have you considered using a steam cleaner? I have of those and used it to clean and freshen up my daughter's soft toys that couldn't be put in the washer. Or maybe put some bicarbonate of soda in a bag and put the bear inside and give it a good shake and leave it for a while then take it out and give it a good going over with a vacuum cleaner
what about using baby powder it may help if you used a little every day on it it would take away the smell of the smoke of the fur of the bear for you or is there a website for steiff bears and see if it gives any information to help you
Gromit // I'm thinking of having this one as my avatar. //

When you said you had a giggle at the website, I knew that was your favourite. I like the way it's doing a sort of karate move.

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How to get rid of the smell of smoke?

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