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mrsmaveric is trying to give up smoking....

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stokemaveric | 01:11 Tue 14th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
have any of you good people tried those electronic cigarettes that are on the market?i just wondered if they were any good before she invests in 1.thanks in advance...


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Get her to her GP and try Champix, theleccy ones are but a poor substitute
Keep an eye on groupon they usually do them
On offer...

Cant remember if it was here or on fbook that i saw someone who saw their GP and came away with one of everything to quit- xx

Most importantly MrsM GOOD LUCK...x
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thanks anna i guess they are tablets,it is more of a physcological thing,she doesnt smoke a great deal,but these things are supposed to give the users a rush of nicotine and its as if they are smoking a real coffin glad i never had the urge to smoke...
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thanks very much tinkerbell i will tell her x
My sister started smoking substitute cigarettes 3 years ago when she gave up.............unfortunately she's still smoking them.
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smoking what craft real ones or electronic ones???lol
electronic ones...............she's addicted to them.
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bloody hell craft ill buy mrsmaveric 1..anything is better than smelling stale a non smoker and id say she smokes 15- 20 a day...but thats still enough in my eyes...and she is determined to stop...
Wonder if the hypnosis works?

I barely remember my dad smoking ..when i was about 3 or 4 he got a really bad flu and couldnt even move for days- not even for a fag and never smoked since- NOT that i wish that on Mrs M!!

Smoking cessation should have a service near you xx
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hypnosis tinkerbell???? hey i never thought of that...maybe she will forget my pin number as well lol...x
You could always speak nicely to the hypnotherapist!? Hahaha

Hey try anything!! Hypnosis, accupuncture, accupressure aswell as all the usual methods. X
Ps sure theres lazer therapy too x
A friend is using the fake cigarettes, he puffs, it lights up, he blows out "smoke" he says they are brilliant.
Gave you THE answer, now I give up.
ord of caution about Champix, heard you can have word side effects from them.

Does your local Health Centre have a cease smoking clinic? If so worth a try there, they were very good with me and I managed to quit with their help, granted, I started again 6 months later but still.

I had an ECig (bought locally from our local discount shop- was only a few quid). It was ok, but it never took away the craving for the real thing for me.
weird side effects- not word ones!
I tried Champix last year. It did reduce the cravings, however, it did take me to places I didn't want to go. I got terrible depression, so I stopped using it.

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