My Son, who is coming up to 32 months is pretty laid back but has his moments when he gets very angry, frustrated and willful. I understand this is hopefully just a phase.
A few weeks ago he was watching "Something Special", an episode which showed Mr Tumble playing Croquet with Lord Tumble, Mr Tumble turned out to be a sore loser, got upset and whilst the voice over child spoke to him he said "I don't care and blew a raspberry". Well ever since my Son saw this, whenever he's reprimanded for naughty behaviour he say's "I don't care" and blows Raspberries at us. I'm finding this behaviour very annoying and rude, but should I just ignore this and hope he gets bored? At the moment I tell him that what he's doing is very rude, he just blows another Raspberry at me.
Ignore and carry on what you are doing, if he then escalates it to another level then maybe 'naughty step' time, by the way I find Mr Tumble rather creepy, the morals in the tale may be above his head.