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Did I mishear on the news

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dickythecook | 20:05 Fri 17th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
that the local council in Bideford? was going to try and have the 'no prayers' ruling overturned. What a waste of other peoples money!!


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Seems to be true if you believe...
Yes. But there has to be this legal process/punch up as establishing precedence for England and Wales, so no it is not a waste.

And I am an atheist.
It was a waste of money in the first place, should have been left alone - unless as you say they pay the costs themselves.
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I was starting to doubt the veracity of the news as I didn't see a lenghty thread on AB from all of our stalwarts
It will come - but this whole issue of secularism vs the UK Protestant traditions in the modern UK and the right for the (silent) majority (perhaps a council like Bideford) and individual (the right to express one's beliefs, be it a cross or Niqab, needs addressing.

There's one thing I do know, the leadership for this will not come from the current Archbish, totally useless and uninspirational, the sooner he goes the better. I would strongly favour the ex Bish of Durham, Tom Wright, to take on the challenge from the Church perspective.
If a council in a predominanatly muslim area was laying down mats towards Mecca during council meetings, no doubt the Christians would be shouting loudly.

Acts of worship have no place on a council meeting agenda.
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All best answers. ED, can we have a multipick for b answers?
Stalwarts of R&S <<< NOoooooo, sounds of running>>>

Nibble, exits stage left pursued by theists.
My view too, hopkirk.

However, if some of them, (majority) want a prayer session before kick-off, what ever faith, (can be the Daleks as far as I care), then they should be able to do so - and then bring the meeting to order so that the non-faithful can enter and the roll call for their excessive allowances (Somerset announced +25% today), to be paid. And then Agenda Item # 1 can be started.

That is what the House of Commons does - for once they seem to have something right ré procedure, a surprise indeed.

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