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TWR | 21:52 Fri 17th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Can someone explain why there is so much evil in the world? that young lass that has just been knifed, that elderly couple that was knifed by a poilish Syco, why do they do these things? I have been working with people that have done these type of things so do not give the excuses that they do not know what they are doing, they know.


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I believe the woman in custody for stabbing the young girl is a mental health patient.
That's a question and a half TWR. If by evil, you mean evil people I guess you have to look at each one to find out. Broadly we are all a mixture of good and evil but most of us manage to control the worst characteristics.
Freud had a shot at explaining why some failed to control the monster within.
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I used to work along side these people Daffy, so who is to blame there? It does not take rocket Science to answer this does it? & don't take this the wrong way.
So answer it then. Personally I think it's probably a combination of several things.
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There are a lot of Interpretations Seadog, let see.
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So what are they China?
It ain't rocket science ;0)
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So it seems you can't answer your own answer, what is the combination?
Those are two different questions. The concept evil is a human construct and would not even have been made had it not already been occurring sufficiently often to make an issue of it.

Why do folk kill ? A whole raft of reasons. Who is to say why the mind works as well as it does at all. It's a bit of a miracle it isn;t always going wrong, although I dare say the species wouldn't have survived if it were too common an activity.

Until you have experience a mind that doesn't work too well, according to society's definitions, then it is a difficult thing to understand. Suffice to say that knowning something, and finding the ability to act according to that knowledge, are different things.
My answer to this is always the same....because this is hell....evil always to the fore and always cancels out any good. Evil wins and always has...hence it being my opinion.

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