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mayennaise | 23:45 Tue 14th Feb 2012 | Internet
12 Answers
Anyone else having problems?? All I am getting is the Facebbook blue bar at the top of the page, with my name etc but everything else is blank - I can't get into anything !!! Tried logging in and out but no change. It happened last night but it did finally reappear.


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Seems ok to me using Firefox.
i just popped on it. i have absolutely no idea why though : (

but it was working fine
Nothing to worry about. There might have been some problem with your server/internet connection. If this recurs, just log out of Facebook and then log in after sometime.
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I have logged in and out several times - no luck. Same is happening tonight. Am able to access it on my phone though so it looks as if I have done something to it on the laptop but I don't know what?!?!
Yes, I have the same problem, it seems to tie in with having recently 'updated' to Firefox 10.0.2
Flickr pages won't load properly either, and Youtube is the same.
Script is jumbled up, photos/thumbnails blank and everything all down one side of the screen. I tried updating Flash and Java but it's still the same. Are you on VM ? (I'm using Explorer in the meantime)
AP, I don't know about Flickr and FB but I'm having no trouble with YouTube on FF 10.0.02
Try using a different browser.
...hello Ummmm :-) I'm using explorer right now.
Hi AP :-) xx
Ok problem fixed by clearing history (including cookies) then re-signing in to places like FB.
How very weird I was only thinking this morning I hadn't seen AP on here for ages.
Hello Prudie - thanks for the thought :-)

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